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Lightstreamer JMX MBeans 5.6.0 Interface Description

Javadoc-like description of the MBeans available through Lightstreamer JMX interface.

See: Description

Package Description

Javadoc-like description of the MBeans available through Lightstreamer JMX interface.

Each of the documented interface classes represents a type of MBeans; one or more instances of each MBean type may be hosted by the JMX server.
See in the introduction for each interface class the name or the name pattern by which the MBean instances of that type are registered in the JMX server.

Note that each documented "getXxxxx" method represents a property named "Xxxxx" in an MBean instance of the related type; the property is read-only, unless a corresponding "setXxxxx" method is also documented. Other documented methods represent methods that can be invoked on an MBean instance of the related type.

Many properties make reference to sampling periods; they are consecutive slots of time, shared by all properties, whose duration is configured by the <collector_millis> configuration setting.

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